28 November 2009

sweet shirts and ice cream

Rainy season is coming to an end. It hasn’t rained for probably a couple of weeks. Here in the south there is two rainy seasons. Where it’s drier up north there is only one, but here they benefit from a fair amount of rain. As we would think of it back home the rainy seasons come during our spring and fall. Then there is a short dry stretch that lasts for a month or two during July and August. Obviously things work a little different up north (I’ll figure it out soon enough), but throughout the country work is generally a function of the rainy seasons that bring crops and most people’s livelihoods.

Nonetheless, the end of rainy season signals the approach of what they call the “Harmattan” winds here. Basically as autumn back home comes to a close winds coming off of the Sahara start to make their way off the desert and reach countries like Togo. This kicks up a lot of dust, cools things off and dries things out. The Harmattan winds have not yet fully reached us here in the south, but when we were up north you could already start to see the effect. Up there the whole countryside is fully vegetated (a scattering of trees, but grass basically everywhere), yet as you look out across the rolling landscape you can see the dust that’s getting picked up. In another week I’ll be up in the thick of it again and likely will be able to tell about it in more detail. For now, it just means that although it’s still quite hot during the day, by the time morning rolls around it can be relatively chilly following the night. A couple of times I’ve even been tempted to put on a long sleeve shirt.

Normally, the thought of a long sleeve shirt is preposterous! Im constantly thinking of ways to stay cool. I’ve been assembling a wardrobe of the most lightweight clothes possible and although I usually feel obliged to wear pants, all my chemises are short sleeved. Unfortunately, most of the clothes I brought from home are just too hot. Most of all the clothes here are made from thin, cotton fabric that dries extremely quickly, especially if left in the sun during repos (which is the universal 2 ½ hr break in the middle of the day…basically because it’s too hot to do anything while the sun is high, plus lunch is the biggest meal of the day). Essentially, you set out in the market and hunt down a piece of fabric that sports a design that you like and buy sections of a couple meters or so depending on how much you need for your chemise or complet (pants + chemise in the same fabric). After you’ve found a fabric you like and bargained a decent price (usually no more than 1500 CFA) you take the fabric to any of the many tailors/couturiers that are found basically anywhere in the country. Then you can either draw them a picture or bring a sample to demonstrate the style and he or she will have your stuff custom made within the week (sometimes the next day even). So by now I’ve already got a handful of shirts that help keep me cool.

While I’m in town for the day I’ll no doubt be taking advantage of my new life saver, “FanMilk”. My sweet tooth hasn’t gotten any better here in Africa. There’s not too much for ice cream here in Togo but there is this one company that does their best to fill the void. Most all of the large towns have a FanMilk distributor. Although there is usually a store you can buy the ice cream from, you usually buy FanMilk from men who ride around with portable coolers attached to their bikes and sell along the roads. The ice cream comes in little sacs the size of a Reese’s packs and flavors like vanilla (when it’s melting quick in the heat it tastes just like a milk shake), chocolate, punch and pineapple. On a hot day when your thirst is dying for something cold to quench it, the sound of a FanMilk man’s noisemaker (basically like a horn a clown might use) can make your day if you have 100 CFA to spare.

I have to say that I did miss everyone back home on Thanksgiving. I hope it went well for everyone!


  1. hey chris!
    its been really fun keeping up on your blog posts! jim, dave, my parents, and i have made it a routine to check it at least once every two weeks. usually when i'm over at the sawyer's residence, one of the first topics of conversation is whether or not i've heard or read anything new about "donny."
    i'm sorry i missed your call- about two weeks ago now. i've written down the number and extended a warm hello on your behalf to many of our closer friends. i should have time to contact you soon though its been really busy with the thanksgiving rush and family gatherings- it's still no excuse for not returning your call. i'll have to write you a more in depth e-mail to catch you up on all the routine, mundane, boring, and uninteresting things i've been up to haha!
    its good to hear everything is going well. the windy season doesn't sound too pleasant, but hopefully its not half as bad as i'm imagining it. have fun with all the stuff you're doing and i'll make sure to contact you again real soon!

  2. Hey Donny,
    I sent you an e-mail (finally) so if you sign on here before you check you mail I just got back to you! Sorry for being a clown, and I hope to hear you real soon! Enjoy life! Live the dream and most of all have fun there man! I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I hope your having a good one! Until next time...

  3. Hey Donny,
    Merry Christmas Eve! I'm at work but we're getting out at 3:00. I hope all is well! It's always nice to hear how things are going for you. Craig and Jake just put an offer on a house, so we'll know soon if we will (or are able to) live together. The house is in southern Gorham, so not too far from my house. I hope you have a Merry Chirstmas and a Happy New Year! I'll send you some pictures after Christmas, so let me know if you need anything else! Hope to see another post soon! PS) the Patriots are struggling this year. They haven't won every game like I'm use to. they will win out and clinch the division and finish 11-5 but they have some competition! Bruins are 18-11-7 and 2nd in the NorthEast. And the Red Sox got Righty Picher John Lacky! So they have the best line up ever! Celtics are dominating and should win it all. Merry Christmas Donny!
