01 September 2009


Hey everyone!

If I haven't already told you I am on the verge of joining the Peace Corps. In just over two weeks I will be heading out and will likely not be seeing any of you for 27 months. My date of departure is Sept. 17 and I will be in Togo (a small French-speaking country in West Africa) on Sept. 19.

I have created this blog for a number of reasons. Most of all I don't want to lose touch with all of you that I consider my friends. I want to stay connected as best as I can and I think this is the best way for me to streamline my communication with everyone. Please feel free to leave comments throughout this page and if you do wish to contact me personally, please use email (ChristianLDonaldson@gmail.com).

Another motivation for this blog is my wish that everyone be able to take away from my experience in the Peace Corps. I really believe that time spent abroad can only enrich one's life and I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to undertake such an adventure. I want to share as much of what I experience, witness and learn with everyone back home who is interested.

I will be making a strong effort to maintain this blog. My situation will likely dictate the frequency and quality of my entries, but this is something that I do hope to stick to so long as I am able. If I ever fall behind don't hesitate to give me friendly reminders to stay on the ball! And feel free to pass this blog link on to anyone you think may like to follow!

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